
Nose Size
Garrett's nose is very slightly narrow and a little low set. In the grid you want the marker to be on the left side of the center vertical line, and almost to the bottom of the second square up from the bottom of the horizontal lines.

Nose Shape
The shape of Garrett's nose is almost neutral - to duplicate it you will want to set the dot in the upper left of the center square on the grid.

Nose Tip
The tip of Garrett's nose is best defines as slightly hawkish, to replicate it you want to set the dot slightly high on the crosshairs of the lower left of the center square.

Mouth & Lips
Garrett has customized lips, because I wanted them to have a specific look to them.

His mouth is slightly shallow and slightly wide, so to replicate it you will want to set the dot centered on the third line down from the top, and far to the right of the fourth line from the left.

Mouth Position
I moved Garrett's mouth down just a little, so to replicate the placement you will want to position the dot on the left side of the center box.

Upper Lip Shape
The shape of Garrett's upper lip is extremely thin and really narrow, so to replicate it you will need to move the dot all the way to the bottom of the grid and position it just a bit left on the second vertical line from the left.

Lower Lip Shape
Once again, the lip shape is extremely thin and very narrow. To replicate Garrett's lower lip for your own Red Dead Online character you will want to move the slider almost all the way to the top and just right of center in the first box in the upper left corner.

Lips Depth
Garrett's lips are almost centered, but the dot is in the lower left corner of the center box on the grid.