The Writer's Workshop

Watch live on Twitch
Writing Productivity & Community Building
Monday thru Friday, 9AM to 12PM Alaska Standard Time (AKST (-8UTC))
I play video games for a few hours following my workshop streams.

January 2023 - New Year Excitement!

Entering My 4th Year of Streaming on Twitch!

  • 4 Years Streaming on Twitch!

    It has been a long rough road, and I have not managed to do much streaming in the past few months, but this January I will return to Streaming on Twitch to celebrate 4 years on Twitch!

  • First Rough Draft

    I am in the first rough pass editing phase of my novel
    The Guardsman and the Thief.

  • Twitch
    & Gaming

    In 2023 I will be focusing more on the streaming content that my viewers want to see on Twitch and extending that to content on this website with more in-depth articles on both games and writing.

  • Discord & Socials

    From Discord to Twitter, I will be using this website to draw together and grow the community, and I would love for you to be a part of it.

    The new website will make that easier than ever before, regardless of where our interactions take place.